OK OK I haven't been blogging but please bear with me I have been laden with SO MUCH work plus I have cheerleading and procrastination to handle so I haven't been up here much. I have about 500 pages on bad weeks (like this one) and cheer practice every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and football games to attend, so other than eating, sleeping, shitting, reading, cheering there really isn't much time left to do anything else. And please forgive me if I start speaking to you in a weird manner online, because I have been bombarded by nothing but Shakespearean and 18th century lit for more than a month now!
Anyway I know you guys want to see photos of me in my cheerleading outfit. I FORBID you from saying or even THINKING I am fat because you are only entitled to if you manage to wear that uniform and look not fat. Seriously!!!

This was taken with the mascot (no it is not me) at the Brown stadium which looks damn pathetic next to the Harvard one. We're all wearing our beautiful cheer jackets in this one because it was FREAKING freezing and my butt almost fell off from the cold. The football game is logically 1 hour long because it's 4 quarters of 15 mins, but it can go on to like 4-5 hours because they keep freaking stopping!!!!!!!! But it is indeed very exciting when someone scores a touchdown!

So this was taken with the Harvard cheerleaders (in the not as pretty red and white outfits). They were pretty good, and they could do stunts and all that already (we can't because we have an all new-team) but we're still better cos we're Brown! It was an incredibly fun game to cheer for because the scores were always very close, and the Brown audience was GREAT! They kept screaming HARVARD SUCKS HARVARD SUCKS which was so fun!! There is NO sportsmanship I tell you when football is involved. Even the band - we have the most subversive band in the world - hurls abuses at the opposing team every now and then!

A picture with Ruth, our President holding pom poms! I look damn fat here so shut up I don't want to hear a word about it! And the white part of my arm that's reflecting so much light in the photo? Ya it BLACK now because I got totally chao-taed from standing under the sun for 6 lovely hours. Ruth is a WONDERFUL President, so intelligent and supportive! If you look her up on wikipedia you'll know why she's so popular amongst Brown students. I am totally and completely inspired by her! And look, she wants to be a cheerleader too!
OK that's all the photos I have now. I'll be going up to Maine this weekend and I heard it's a beautiful place. Will take lots of photos!! I'll try to blog more from now on, and you guys ESPECIALLY HALFIE please update your blogs too!
And oh, good luck to all the NUS people taking their exams!! BON CHANCE (good luck in French)!
And in reply to the people who commented on my blog previously:
1. Shuen: I don't care why they watch football, as long as they come support!
2. Jiadi: I missed you guys during maf too! Hope you are doing well with engineering and econs. Is econs your fav sub now? Tons of people are taking econs here it's so sickening!! I read your blog now and then although I don't comment sometimes. Talk online k! Oh eh recommend some nice Japanese dramas!! Must be the funny kind ar!!
3. Gloree: Ya I know welco must have been missed. We've always had almost full attendance every year!!
4. Nat: I do not expose my tummy THANK GOD but it's tight enough for you to be self conscious. Then again because it's so tight EVERYONE has a bulging tummy so it's not so bad!
5.Half: I'VE MISSED YOU TOO! Even though we talk like every other day. I dreamt that you came to visit me today and I was so happy!!!!! But I woke up and you were not there :(
6. Lyd: And I know George Bush was a cheerleader, so was Franklin Roosevelt! And a million actresses! And how are you?? Have you gone for your med interview?