Shit, the rest of SACO and the rest of 32nd should know why I'm so excited by now, and it's not like I can't blog about it, it's just that no one outside of the 32nd would understand the jokes, no one outside SACO would probably find it funny to the extent that we do and no one outside of Shit will understand why I'm so excited.
This is a culmination of work of over two years I think, but more significantly over a year, not because it's such a difficult piece of work to accomplish but because we keep procrastinating HAHA!! Especially me since I took like a year to finally start on the cover story, which I finished in half an hour.
I think most of our ideas stemmed from our shopping trips, random ideas that sprouted here and there, but the credit for the photos at the back especially have to go to Shit because she was the one who painstakingly copied and pasted all the photos using Paint. Haha which is why I love that woman!
And plus of course Auntie contributed to the letters bit. She can be funny too, believe it or not!! (Trying to obtain a promotion from Object of Amusement to Amusing. Good work, but TRY HARDER!)
I'm just so glad it's finally done, and "published". I'm so so glad, and hopefully more ideas will come in the future for number 3, 4 and 5...
Still working on another project, of which I am quite ready to give up and re-invent, but Shit told me I should just carry on working on it. Not sure what I want to do, but I will finish it over the weekend! I really shouldn't procrastinate until I get bored of my own ideas!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
So here I am a couple of hours later, because I can't wait to share what I found on youtube!!
Anita Mui's Concert, 87-88!
My grandfather and mom and dad were fans of hers, so it's not unusual that this became the first concert that I watched, albeit on video. I remember SO clearly this particular outfit of hers and the ROTATING STAGE I was so impressed with singing the next song especially:
Oh my I REMEMBER this part SO well!! And this song isn't even famous! This brings back so many memories.
Of course, it didn't occur to me then it was odd that my mom was asking me, at age 2 or 3, to watch a singer I was told to call "Big Sister" bare her midriff singing a song called "Devil Girl" haha!! Such hip parents I have.
Anita once said that she didn't hope for much from her fans, only that we would look up in the sky occasionally at one of the stars and think of her. I think she'll be glad to know that many people still miss her, even though it's been 5 years.
Love Anita (:
Anita Mui's Concert, 87-88!
My grandfather and mom and dad were fans of hers, so it's not unusual that this became the first concert that I watched, albeit on video. I remember SO clearly this particular outfit of hers and the ROTATING STAGE I was so impressed with singing the next song especially:
Oh my I REMEMBER this part SO well!! And this song isn't even famous! This brings back so many memories.
Of course, it didn't occur to me then it was odd that my mom was asking me, at age 2 or 3, to watch a singer I was told to call "Big Sister" bare her midriff singing a song called "Devil Girl" haha!! Such hip parents I have.
Anita once said that she didn't hope for much from her fans, only that we would look up in the sky occasionally at one of the stars and think of her. I think she'll be glad to know that many people still miss her, even though it's been 5 years.
Love Anita (:
New Distraction
I wanted to save my new entry for my wonderful New York trip which took place two weeks ago, but I don't have any photos from Auntie or Meat yet, so I shall just write some short entries till I get them.
I've been rather busy lately, but everyone has to make time to do random things and watch silly videos on youtube no matter what. So other than talking to Shit at unearthly hours (for the both of us) discussing the silliest things I've been watching something!
Stephanie Koh recommended this new show, I'm watching it mainly because it stars Hebe who's quite adorable, but Steph likes it because of Xiao Mei (Mike He), haha! But the fact that we're watching this when in between reading Shakespeare and Kafka kind of proves that we are closet bimbos, haha so paiseh. I'm only halfway through episode one though, so I have no idea how good it is. Will talk about it again if it's worth mentioning :P
I've been rather busy lately, but everyone has to make time to do random things and watch silly videos on youtube no matter what. So other than talking to Shit at unearthly hours (for the both of us) discussing the silliest things I've been watching something!
Stephanie Koh recommended this new show, I'm watching it mainly because it stars Hebe who's quite adorable, but Steph likes it because of Xiao Mei (Mike He), haha! But the fact that we're watching this when in between reading Shakespeare and Kafka kind of proves that we are closet bimbos, haha so paiseh. I'm only halfway through episode one though, so I have no idea how good it is. Will talk about it again if it's worth mentioning :P

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
State of My Table

This is what my table looks like now.
I have ten thousand books in various languages, dictionaries, papers, moisturizer, lip balm, my breakfast from this morning, opened packets of food, water etcetc all strewn over, because I'm practically living at my table now.
I spent all of my long weekend reading and writing papers.
And my table was empty the beginning of the semester. Sigh.
Monday, February 4, 2008
So every year, on this sacred day, I'll write a little note to thank everyone who has been kind and gracious enough to remember the day I acknowledge officially that I've grown a bit older. I don't know what I've done or why I deserve so much kind attention and love (ok maybe I do, hee!) every year even though I keep changing schools and (now) countries! But here's a list of people I wish to thank this year, the year I begin life in my TWENTIES (oh my)!!
A)Birthday Party 1:
1. Sarah Bolling
2. Scott Weiner
3. Everyone else who attended i.e. my dorm mates most of whom I do not know
Ok I doubt Sarah reads this blog but if she actually googles her name one day maybe she'll find this entry and realize that I REALLY appreciate the cool party and LEMON cake!!!
B) Birthday Party 2:
1. Lijun my favorite buddy who organized
2. Shengxiang who organized too
3. Attendees like Huahua, Steph, Kao, Aaron, Karl, Shern, Lanxiu, Michelle Tan, Sheila, Andy
OK I'm very sorry if I missed people out, but the COOL SINGAPOREANS held a surprise party for me at Lanxiu's dorm (because I was doing "homework" in her room) and they brought me brownies and icecream and CHEESE cake my favorite and the girls sang me a Sammi song!! I'm about to faint from the sweetness these people are SO nice to me!!!!! And of course that pretty backpack that my buddy and the girls bought me!
C) Brunch with Buddy Lijun at Brickway's:
Honestly JunJun is the BEST buddy ever!! Not only did she organize the WONDERFUL surprise party last night, she brought me out for brunch at brickway's, a little breakfast cafe near school today!! And she was really tired from last night but she still made the effort to come out and spend time with me. We had eggs Benedict which were REALLY yummy!
D) Dinner at Spice
Had dinner once again with all the Singaporeans (the ones I know, at least) at the Thai restaurant Spice. Thanks again to SX for organising!!
E) Emails
Halfie wrote me a poem with my Royal name which made me laugh and almost choke on my breakfast!! And she of course dedicated an entry to me which was really sweet of her even though she used a rather fugly photo although to be honest how can I ever look fugly? And she owes me a present because she's too lazy to send me anything.
And of course my darling Assta who ALSO owes me a present because she's too lazy to go out shopping although honestly you don't have to buy me anything so you can spare me the agony of having to buy you something too! Honestly after 5-6 birthdays it's really hard to find stuff to buy.
3. NAT
And this ass who has been spamming me with forwarded email though they are sweet messages remembered of course!!
What a RARITY to receive an email from this medical menace!!! His own birthday is coming soon so HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance!!
Roubao has to remember my royal birth of course, since she will live in my room when she visits in less than a week! (CAN'T WAIT!!!)
F) Phonecalls:
Mom and Pop are the sweetest Moms and Pops ever!! Of course they gave me my wonderful angpow a long time ago but they still made an effort to call me today before leaving for work, which is really cool cos I was wondering if they would. And I think they are the only parents in the world who wouldn't mind that I spend my birthday money on a SAMMI CHENG concert ticket (more later).
LOVELY aragog actually sang me A BIRTHDAY song over the phone!!!!!! And it was quite in-tune so I was most suitably impressed!! Of course I will be seeing her furry fanged face in a couple days so I will hug her to thank her in NY!
G) Cards
She sent me a card with the picture of a mad cow but it's so apt! And her neat tiny handwriting is so familiar that it's oddly comforting.
Bea gave me a card right before I left at the airport and told me not to open it until today, so I actually waited!! And she had a really sweet message inside too. Such a lovely mother she is!!
ERIN my bestest roomie put like balloons on my bed to wish me happy birthday!!
Facebook Messages:
I got like more than 20 so a bit lazy to write here but thanks everyone who bothered to leave a message even if you were reminded by the Facebook birthday reminder!
MSN Messages:
Also a couple of poeple wished me happy birthday online other than Jamie Ko (because she called me hotstuff) and Xun who had to book in and owes me gifts from like J1.
OK so I had a really busy birthday and I'm in great spirits now because well many people love me and I JUST BOUGHT my SAMMI TICKET how great is that!!!
For those who don't know yet, she's coming to Connecticut which is an hour away from Providence so I've bought my ticket and I'm SOOO going there to watch her hot show!!
But anyway, thanks everyone for this WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! You're loved!!! And very much so.
A)Birthday Party 1:
1. Sarah Bolling
2. Scott Weiner
3. Everyone else who attended i.e. my dorm mates most of whom I do not know
Ok I doubt Sarah reads this blog but if she actually googles her name one day maybe she'll find this entry and realize that I REALLY appreciate the cool party and LEMON cake!!!
B) Birthday Party 2:
1. Lijun my favorite buddy who organized
2. Shengxiang who organized too
3. Attendees like Huahua, Steph, Kao, Aaron, Karl, Shern, Lanxiu, Michelle Tan, Sheila, Andy
OK I'm very sorry if I missed people out, but the COOL SINGAPOREANS held a surprise party for me at Lanxiu's dorm (because I was doing "homework" in her room) and they brought me brownies and icecream and CHEESE cake my favorite and the girls sang me a Sammi song!! I'm about to faint from the sweetness these people are SO nice to me!!!!! And of course that pretty backpack that my buddy and the girls bought me!
C) Brunch with Buddy Lijun at Brickway's:
Honestly JunJun is the BEST buddy ever!! Not only did she organize the WONDERFUL surprise party last night, she brought me out for brunch at brickway's, a little breakfast cafe near school today!! And she was really tired from last night but she still made the effort to come out and spend time with me. We had eggs Benedict which were REALLY yummy!
D) Dinner at Spice
Had dinner once again with all the Singaporeans (the ones I know, at least) at the Thai restaurant Spice. Thanks again to SX for organising!!
E) Emails
Halfie wrote me a poem with my Royal name which made me laugh and almost choke on my breakfast!! And she of course dedicated an entry to me which was really sweet of her even though she used a rather fugly photo although to be honest how can I ever look fugly? And she owes me a present because she's too lazy to send me anything.
And of course my darling Assta who ALSO owes me a present because she's too lazy to go out shopping although honestly you don't have to buy me anything so you can spare me the agony of having to buy you something too! Honestly after 5-6 birthdays it's really hard to find stuff to buy.
3. NAT
And this ass who has been spamming me with forwarded email though they are sweet messages remembered of course!!
What a RARITY to receive an email from this medical menace!!! His own birthday is coming soon so HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance!!
Roubao has to remember my royal birth of course, since she will live in my room when she visits in less than a week! (CAN'T WAIT!!!)
F) Phonecalls:
Mom and Pop are the sweetest Moms and Pops ever!! Of course they gave me my wonderful angpow a long time ago but they still made an effort to call me today before leaving for work, which is really cool cos I was wondering if they would. And I think they are the only parents in the world who wouldn't mind that I spend my birthday money on a SAMMI CHENG concert ticket (more later).
LOVELY aragog actually sang me A BIRTHDAY song over the phone!!!!!! And it was quite in-tune so I was most suitably impressed!! Of course I will be seeing her furry fanged face in a couple days so I will hug her to thank her in NY!
G) Cards
She sent me a card with the picture of a mad cow but it's so apt! And her neat tiny handwriting is so familiar that it's oddly comforting.
Bea gave me a card right before I left at the airport and told me not to open it until today, so I actually waited!! And she had a really sweet message inside too. Such a lovely mother she is!!
ERIN my bestest roomie put like balloons on my bed to wish me happy birthday!!
Facebook Messages:
I got like more than 20 so a bit lazy to write here but thanks everyone who bothered to leave a message even if you were reminded by the Facebook birthday reminder!
MSN Messages:
Also a couple of poeple wished me happy birthday online other than Jamie Ko (because she called me hotstuff) and Xun who had to book in and owes me gifts from like J1.
OK so I had a really busy birthday and I'm in great spirits now because well many people love me and I JUST BOUGHT my SAMMI TICKET how great is that!!!
For those who don't know yet, she's coming to Connecticut which is an hour away from Providence so I've bought my ticket and I'm SOOO going there to watch her hot show!!
But anyway, thanks everyone for this WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! You're loved!!! And very much so.
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