Well if she has the time and the boredom to google her own name, I hope Stefanie Sun Yanzi will see this and realize that even people who not-crazy-huge-ass-paul-like-fans miss her! Come out already!! WHERE ARE YOU!! We can't keep listening to the same few songs!
Okay fine you caught me I'm procrastinating. Supposed to be studying for French now mais je ne veux pas travailler!!!!!
HAHAHA omg yr complaint is SHIT FUNNY!! seriously!! I wouldn't dare to write such an audacious complaint my gawd. In fact I probably would keep quiet and endure until I have icicles dripping from my nostrils and my 4 limbs all amputated from frostbites. Such is the mild temperament of your Other Half.
haha i loved the complaint! its so polite (: yes shit maybe u can complaint when ur breath starts to fog out the entire room..lol.
huh is this a complaint entry too? or you guys are referring to the previous entry? LOL. 0.0
EHHH. yah i think she disappeared or something. HAHA. (: i didn't know you like her too! maybe she's preparing for a really good album lah huh. haha. =p
study study.. we'll all mug until we go crazy. -.-"
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