Sunday, November 22, 2009


Doubt anyone still comes here, but hello hello, sorry I've been missing for so long haha I'm just such a lazy person that blogging doesn't come natural to me. Duh.

But it's November now, we're a couple weeks away from the end of the semester. So what have I been doing? Reading, sleeping, hanging out with my dear neighbours Stephano and Le Petit Nicolas, playing polo, traveling here and there...that's about it really.

So I'll be going to Montreal with said neighbours on Wednesday - it's gonna be cold but it's gonna be so much fun. I can't wait to sink into those sheets for at least half the day seriously, and no Stephano you are not going to drag me out of Paradise. Unless it's for food of course.



stephanie.k said...

me too I can't wait! (not so keen on the cold) and we are totally dragging you out of bed for breakfast.

mindy said...

YOu go to montreal to sleep?!?!?!?! money drop from the sky one isit

i am gg to be stuck here in studio. BARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

i miss you and saco so come back soon please.
