Friday, January 18, 2008

Almost bye!

It's 5 minutes to 12, yet again. I'm officially 3 days away from flying back to Brown, and this is only my second post this vacation. While I'm looking forward to the new semester and new classes I'm totally not looking forward to going back.

I've been too comfortable these past three and a half weeks, alternating between vegetating at home and re-memorizing Orchard Road with my dear Half Shit whom I meet literally 6 days a week. The last day of the week is family day for her because she stays in hall, whereas I get to see my dear parents and blithering brother every day. Mere mortals might think it's a little too excessive meeting so regularly (I think she sees me about one million times more than she sees her Other Other Half) but we have no choice but to maximize all the time we have together, though apparently Paul cannot see the logic in it, but that's too bad I guess he's just not very bright.

Of course, one of the more memorable outings include, as Halfie mentioned on her blog, our little trip with CalCal to You-Know-Where last week. Being naturally intelligent and curious beings, Shit and I decided to find out more about where CalCal spends most of his time, so we borrowed two You-Know-Whats from our two friends S**S** and G***** who were magnanimous enough to risk their necks (heehee) for us. And what an eye-opening (HAHA) experience it was!!! I've never seen anything like it, and it was thoroughly fascinating to see so many You-Know-What/Whos and the chest-full (HAHA) of science and knowledge behind it. I have full respect for all my friends who are preparing to be You-Know-What now!!

OK, enough of my ridiculous sense of humor, which I doubt anyone but Halfie will understand. I had tons of fun doing other things too, but I shall leave the long-winded elaboration to some other day.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA OMG DAM LAME!! EYE-opening and CHESTful indeed! i was giggling madly while readin yr idiotic entry!! oh no yr flyin off tonight!! life's gg to be a lot less bright here in spore w/o thee :(


Anonymous said...

hello! just came back from the land of a thousand smiles.and yes! i know where u two have been! pretty obvious.kailiang told me about it before.but never had a chance to see it/them.all the best there! i am given two days of rest after my 3week long deserving.haha.catch up with you soon!


Anonymous said...

to My Lady, Her Majesty:
hahaha i just realised i could understand whatever you write = i could appreciate your ridiculous sense of humour! SO DONT PUT ME ON SUSPENSION ANYMORE! (now meat, me, rong and calcal are all on suspension. HAHAHA)

ahhh how's school so far!!


Anonymous said...

hee if im not wrong, shitty did. HAHA but then again, she doesnt keep track with the suspension records. HAHA!

YEA! i will talk more sensible things next time :X haha anyway TAKE CARE TOO MY DEAR!

Anonymous said...

LOL! i know what are you rambling about too! haha. oh-well. i think like alot of people knows about it already. so cool! but i don't have friends close enough i'd dare to ask the favour from. HAHAHA. (: okae see you soon when you're back during your second vacation. (:
