Saturday, April 24, 2010

About a month...

About a month before I return to Les Êtats-Unis, and then home. I do miss Brown - her classes, her people, her greens. And I do miss home. But I have also fallen in love with France. It's such a beau pays after all. Everything's just so pretty here - the language, the trees, the old European buildings, the food. I'd be happy to go back, but I'm not looking forward to leaving either. Maybe I just find things worth loving everywhere I go :D

My friends and parents, ahem, remark that I don't seem to be studying here. Well I am not. I even regret registering with a school here. There's so much happening out there, outside, I feel silly staying in the classroom, listening to the teacher drone on for four hours about grammar rules and other boring matters.

I'm in France, in Europe, I have one more month, and I'm going to make the best of it. And that, generally, does not involve teachers or classrooms.


Jamie said...

(haha there was no Like function like the one in Facebook)

buttercup said...

Omg I just passed by randomly and I realized in astonishment tt you've finally updated your blog! France sounds lovely! At least u have a month, I'll only be breezing by in a few days! ANYWAY I MISS YOU STILL BAHH