And that we'd believe she is one if she wraps herself up in some leftover cloth.

Sometimes she thinks she is a very ugly ghost.
Sadly for her she looks even uglier in the photo cos of her beautiful friend on her left.
But actually she's King Shitalongkorn.
Sadly for her she looks even uglier in the photo cos of her beautiful friend on her left.

What else does Shitty Chen like to do?
She likes to qiang jing tou and say "yeah!" for the camera even if she has to do it with a grimace because the water is damn salty other people are busy spitting seawater out.
She likes to enslave her friends and lord over them like a bossy old woman.

She even picks fights with good little girls on the street.

But mostly she just has very low selfesteem because of her terrible looks. Some say her jaw is too wide, while some say her mouth is too crooked. Truth is, she just looks like Mr Potato Head.
Okay la okay la Shitty's my very funny and wonderful Halfie, and it's her 20th birthday today!!! She's a very funny, cute little girl whose bright eyes have captured many hearts (including random bus guy's)! She may be stupid stupid at times but she's actually quite smart, but I can't think of any examples to back-up my claim.
Hope her 20th year on Earth would be a happy, bruise-free one, and she'll have lots and lots of time and money to spend with/on me!! Happy Birthday Halfie you're the best!!!!! Love you!!
Hope her 20th year on Earth would be a happy, bruise-free one, and she'll have lots and lots of time and money to spend with/on me!! Happy Birthday Halfie you're the best!!!!! Love you!!
OMG I LOVE THIS ENTRY HALFIE HAHA!! Please don't blog anymore so that this entry can remain here forever!! But ohgosh what hideous pictures u put of me!! LOVE U TOO HALFIE!!
<3 ShittyChen
HAHA it's hilarious!! Good job hon!!
i did NOT say anything of the sort! haha but yes good job! i can send u more unglam pix if u want.
like where are the updates man! shit doesnt deserve such long air time!
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