Anyway it was my birthday N days ago and I turned 21 without much fuss or fanfare. Actually it was quite the crap on the day itself because I had to mug for the test and presentation the next day. But anyhow thanks to all who remembered, I do appreciate it especially because I took it off facebook and all. And thanks to those who actually bought gifts haha, I do like the Myléne Farmer CD you bought Suitemate, it's very suite/sweet (haha) of you.
And Shit you still owe me a present don't think I have forgotten.
But Suitemate and I did go for an expensive French dinner (combined bday celebrations) which was quite nice but tasted like Chinese food (?!). She tried the veal and I ate the bouillabaisse (how to spell) because Hermione mentioned it and I wanted to see what it was like haha. And then we ate the Crême Brulee which was très bien très bien and damn sweet but very nice! Quite worth it I think even though it was ultra ex.
Other than that I've just been watching Japanese dramas. Keisuke, my other suitemate recommended Last Friends which I am watching now. Jiadi recommended Proposal Diasakusen which is quite cute (the guy is at least). And I re-watched some parts of Hana Kimi because Ashiya Mizuki is so pretty! And Nakatsu is also pretty good looking.
Hey don't think I'm doing all this for leisure okay, I'm trying to work on my Japanese. You think I so free to watch tv for fun is it.
I HAVE TO CONFESS!! I'm so in love with that dude from Proposal Daidhjwruhawiue that I've been watching it haha. But I'm so busy I've only gotten to Ep4!! And he's STILL not together with Rei yet oh goshhh it's driving me nuts!!
happy belated birthday! eh you remove from facebook no wonder i don't know when's your birthday. :X boo. and omg the jap guys are yes very cute! HAHA. okae but i have no time to catch them so maybe you can intro them to me the next time we meet. come back soon! (:
trash thinks they are cute?! take the pictures off your blog immediately! oh my gosh im sorry hons. i missed your birthday ): HAPPY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! i do confess i rely heavily on facebook to note ppl's birthdays. aiyo why u take out ><
hehe! so free to watch so many serials!
- bobs
HIS NAME IS YAMAPI!! hahaha i had the hugest crush on him when i was hooked on Proposal Daisakusen^^
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