Monday, April 28, 2008

Il Fait Froid

It's SOOO cold today I have no idea why, it's been raining all day and everyone's gloomy and pissed off and I'm sleepy. I'm perpetually wrapped up in the nice, comfy blanket F5 gave me and it makes it even more difficult to continue with the papers because I keep staring longingly at my bed. I suppose I should just succumb to temptation in a while.

Glad you guys liked my previous entry and there was even a little conversation going on between my cousins although I have no idea what you are talking about but actually you don't have to explain to me too, it's okay.

And here's a nice song to listen to on a rainy day:

Rubbish, by Candy Lo.

Good luck to all the NUS people who are still having exams!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'tis a crappy day :(

but don't be gloomy / pissed off too!