Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sophomore Year


So sorry I have been MIA for ages and ages. This blog is so dusty and boring I doubt anyone still comes here but it's okay I'll just write something for my own amusement.

The last week has been extremely hectic - I came back to a new but dusty room with unpacked boxes and an unvacuumed floor, a spoiled printer and a missing freezer. Which can kind of explain why I went missing the first few days of school. But all this has been fixed with the help of money and generous friends and Sophomore year can finally begin properly!

Classes will be interesting this year. I'm taking four languages essentially - Basic Japanese, Intermediate French, Classical Chinese and a Lit class. It's all a whole load of fun, French is still very very simple now because we're still doing revisions so that's not a problem. Chinese is okay too because I did 文言文 before so it's not a big problem. But Japanese is SOOO difficult oh goodness the Hiragana is killing me!! But I'm sure it'll get better, like French did. The teachers are really good too, they use all sorts of interesting methods to make sure we remember the words. And it's like learning a different sort of Chinese all over again cos like our NYPS teachers they make us practise the strokes in the air too. Cute haha!

Other than that I'll be continuing with Polo and maybe a parttime job, depending on what there is. I know other people like Mindy and Meixi are like super big on doing volunteer work, but there doesn't seem like there's anything much to do here. Hmm.

In any case, Sophomore year looks like it's going to be quite a lot of fun :)

1 comment:

brennewmi said...

hello dear! i do pop by once a while :) i was just about to ask you if u have a new blog i dont know of! how come no entries..hmm. HAHA. i am so envious! it really sounds fun :) what joy to study what u love.. kudos girl. polo? my goodness! u never told!